Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Today on Twitter...

RT @EMSpeck The most Googled costume in Connecticut and Delaware: Banana

RT @MMarchioneAP Study suggests young people nearly twice as likely to survive #Ebola

RT @NPRHealth No Ebola, S'il Vous Plait, We're French: The Ivory Coast Mindset

RT @NEJM Clinical presentation of some of Sierra Leone's first #Ebola cases described, as well as factors assoc w/ survival.

RT @MedicalNews Female Libido: Should There Be a Drug for That?

RT @LizSzabo Pope: Judas a sinner, but no worse than anyone else via @usatoday

RT @FDACBER First vaccine approved by #FDA to prevent serogroup B Meningococcal disease. #meningitis

RT @USATODAY It all comes down to #Game7

RT @nytimeshealth How does breast cancer change romance? These women & men know

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