Friday, January 9, 2015

Today on Twitter...

RT @nationshealth .@CDCgov director urges widespread use of antiviral drugs due to less effective flu vaccine  (via@CBSHealth)

RT@nytimeshealth A Bad Flu Season Hits the Halfway Mark, C.D.C. Says

RT @nytimeshealth You asked, we answered: How do you make exercise a habit? #askwell

RT @HarvardHealth 6 important things you should know about vitamin D: #HarvardHealth #vitaminD

RT @NPRHealth Is 'Cook At Home' Always Good Health Advice?

RT @WebMD For a small # of adults who commit petty crimes, the behavior can be a first sign dementia.

RT @WomensHealthMag 5 women share the pain of having a miscarriage:

RT @CBSHealth U.S. interest in Ebola peaked and then plummeted, even as the outbreak spiraled out of control

RT @WebMD Oral HPV Infection Lasts Longer in Older Men, Study Finds – WebMD

RT @goodhealth Why @MelissaEGilbert Ditched Her Breast Implants at Age 50

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