Friday, December 5, 2014

Today on Twitter...

RT @CBCHealth How internet use may promote health literacy skills in seniors …
RT @kpedmonds “For thousands of years, doctors have sat beside pts in difficult & treacherous times & made a difference.” -Dr. Thorpe #HOD2014

RT @wisdom2inspire_ "Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity." Horace Mann

RT @PRNhealth How I Stick With My Diet on Holiday Vacations via @Vitacost ^nb

RT @RichDuszak The difference between good and great is the ability to finish what you started. @ValaAfshar #RSNA14

RT @cragcrest Big thx to JAMA for opening full text link to my paper: why I’m opting out of mammography.

RT @stevebruskCNN My goal was always to write a piece as smart as @crowleycnn would. Of course, I never came close. Like wanting to be LeBron.

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