RT @USATODAY 2000 airport screenings from Oct-Nov didn't turn up any Ebola patients http://usat.ly/1AbFPPJ via @usatoday
RT @GreatestQuotes "He who enjoys doing and enjoys what he has done is happy." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
RT @Reuters_Health Hour limits for docs-in-training may not improve safety, test scores http://reut.rs/1wY8GcY
RT @PittsburghMag New study suggests Pittsburghers wake up late and grouchy. http://ow.ly/FCM2U
RT @LizSzabo Wrote abt 2 of them RT @AP: Facebook shares its top 10 topics for 2014: Ebola, ice bucket challenge, Robin Williams http://bit.ly/1uhHmQF
RT @drdunckly Heavy cell phone usage leads to uptight college students, Kent State study says | http://ow.ly/FrgNc
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