Friday, January 9, 2015

Today on Twitter...

RT @nationshealth .@CDCgov director urges widespread use of antiviral drugs due to less effective flu vaccine  (via@CBSHealth)

RT@nytimeshealth A Bad Flu Season Hits the Halfway Mark, C.D.C. Says

RT @nytimeshealth You asked, we answered: How do you make exercise a habit? #askwell

RT @HarvardHealth 6 important things you should know about vitamin D: #HarvardHealth #vitaminD

RT @NPRHealth Is 'Cook At Home' Always Good Health Advice?

RT @WebMD For a small # of adults who commit petty crimes, the behavior can be a first sign dementia.

RT @WomensHealthMag 5 women share the pain of having a miscarriage:

RT @CBSHealth U.S. interest in Ebola peaked and then plummeted, even as the outbreak spiraled out of control

RT @WebMD Oral HPV Infection Lasts Longer in Older Men, Study Finds – WebMD

RT @goodhealth Why @MelissaEGilbert Ditched Her Breast Implants at Age 50

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Today on Twitter...

RT @MedicalNews Memory slips tied to stroke risk among highly educated

RT @AmeshAA Now there's a good excuse for having a gutter mind- Sewers: New Source for Tracking Infectious Diseases? …

RT @medlineplus Would you take action? Many Americans would if they learned they had genetic risk for a disease

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Today on Twitter...

RT @USATODAY 2000 airport screenings from Oct-Nov didn't turn up any Ebola patients via @usatoday

RT @GreatestQuotes "He who enjoys doing and enjoys what he has done is happy." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

RT @Reuters_Health Hour limits for docs-in-training may not improve safety, test scores

RT @PittsburghMag New study suggests Pittsburghers wake up late and grouchy.

RT @LizSzabo Wrote abt 2 of them RT @AP: Facebook shares its top 10 topics for 2014: Ebola, ice bucket challenge, Robin Williams

RT @drdunckly Heavy cell phone usage leads to uptight college students, Kent State study says |

Friday, December 5, 2014

Today on Twitter...

RT @CBCHealth How internet use may promote health literacy skills in seniors …
RT @kpedmonds “For thousands of years, doctors have sat beside pts in difficult & treacherous times & made a difference.” -Dr. Thorpe #HOD2014

RT @wisdom2inspire_ "Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity." Horace Mann

RT @PRNhealth How I Stick With My Diet on Holiday Vacations via @Vitacost ^nb

RT @RichDuszak The difference between good and great is the ability to finish what you started. @ValaAfshar #RSNA14

RT @cragcrest Big thx to JAMA for opening full text link to my paper: why I’m opting out of mammography.

RT @stevebruskCNN My goal was always to write a piece as smart as @crowleycnn would. Of course, I never came close. Like wanting to be LeBron.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Today on Twitter...

RT @MedNewsProducer Online doctor ratings may not match other quality measures via @reuters

RT @nytimeshealth Well: After a Cancer Diagnosis, Learning to Let Go

RT @wisdom2inspire_ Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. ~Thomas Edison

RT @latimeshealth US birth rate hits record low in 2013, only 62.5 babies born per 1,000 women of childbearing age via@NCHStats

RT @Token_Geezer Apparently, saying “Wow, you’ve grown since I last saw you” isn’t deemed socially acceptable when said to adults.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Today on Twitter...

RT @Medgadget 'Hug' brain test could diagnose disorders like autism

RT @GreatestQuotes "Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself." - Harvey Fierstein

RT @medpagetoday An 81-year-old Greek woman unfortunate target of an angry billy goat, who slammed into her neck with full force

RT @AnitaBruzzese How true: The hardest job is working in a bubble wrap factory. Imagine the self control that is needed.

RT @CBSNews New data shows how Americans' viewing habits have changed

RT @GreatestQuotes "Nothing great is ever achieved without much enduring." - Catherine of Siena

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Today on Twitter...

RT @latimeshealth The proportion of U.S. adults who smoke cigarettes is at the lowest level in nearly 50 years

RT @MedicalNews Hormones only one factor in sexual function during menopause

RT @MedicalNews Breast cancer recurrence risk down since 1980s

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Today on Twitter...

RT @Shelley_Rodgers People often contradict themselves, and apparently, so do some words. Interesting post on 14 words that do just that:

RT @disneywords Friends are there to stay, even on the most gloomy of days. –Eeyore

RT @wisdom2inspire_ A single conversation across the table with a wise person is worth a month's study of books.

RT @picardonhealth "Public health successes are usually invisible - the 'dog that doesn’t bark in the night.'” - @DrFriedenCDC …

RT @wisdom2inspire_ Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools talk because they have to say something.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Today on Twitter...

RT @nytimeshealth The man who figured out that Lyme disease was connected to ticks has died.

RT @medicalaxioms Science is not truth. Science is the process of moving towards truth.

RT @nytimeshealth The problem with treating the health care system like an all-you-can-eat buffet.

RT @wisdom2inspire_ "One’s destination is never a place, but rather a new way of looking at things." Henry Miller

RT @goodhealth 5 Things You Should Know About Embryo Donations:

RT @latimeshealth The flu shot does a LOT more than scientists had realized. @ScienceMagazine via @LATkarenkaplan

RT @slate Whole Foods came to Detroit to change the way the poor eat. Why it hasn't worked:

RT @Toaster_Pastry Wife's comment about being a 'survivor' of breast cancer: "You never get off the roller-coaster."

RT @TheNotebook You think you want to die, but in reality, you just want to be saved.